Drupal in Context column: “Social Security”
550-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Issue #4 of "Drupal Watchdog", a print magazine distributed at DrupalCon Munich....
550-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Issue #4 of "Drupal Watchdog", a print magazine distributed at DrupalCon Munich....
1250-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Issue #3 of "Drupal Watchdog", a print magazine distributed at DrupalCon Denver....
1100-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Issue #2 of "Drupal Watchdog", a print magazine distributed at DrupalCon London and later made available online....
1300-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Issue #1 of "Drupal Watchdog", a print magazine distributed at DrupalCon Chicago. (Content not available online.)...
12000-word book for Tom Geller.
A collection of 24 one-page articles to be given to clients and potential clients when I was a real-estate agent. I often put out a…...
8500-word corporate asset/white paper for Mediacurrent.
A guide to help a Drupal consultancy's potential clients understand the process of building an enterprise-level Web site with Drupal....
7500-word corporate asset/white paper for Acquia.
White paper to help clients define strategies and tactics for moving their web site to the content-management system Drupal....
10000-word corporate asset/white paper for Mediacurrent, Phase2 Technology.
White paper that explores Drupal as an online publishing system for newspapers and magazines....
1550-word article for Peachpit Press.
This article compares the three CMSes in terms of user base, code maturity, richness of plug-ins, and business acceptance. Commissioned by Peachpit Press to support…...