subscriber Sarah Faraud uncovered an error at the 2:12 mark of the “Downloading and installing Drupal on a Mac” video in Drupal Essential Training. I stated:
Now the file itself was called settings.php and it’s created by duplicating this default.settings.php. You can also just delete the word default and the period, but I prefer to leave a backup.
It turns out that deleting the original default.settings.php file causes problems, so just leave it there! My apologies to anyone who’s been inconvenienced by this error.
2 replies on “Error in “Drupal Essential Training” regarding settings.php file”
drupal Essentail Training question
I am following along on
When at the importing the site step, I keep getting the message that “localhost domain name is reserved.”
I can’t get past that step.
I am on a Mac OS 10.6
Any advice? Thanks.
Using Acquia Dev Desktop, right?
Hi, Mary. Fortunately, the problem you describe is pretty easy to fix. (You’re using Acquia Dev Desktop, right?) Simply enter something else in the space next to “Server” in the “Domain” section — don’t leave it as localhost. You can enter anything, such as “mysite”. Whatever you put there becomes your site’s address, i.e. http://mysite:8082/ .
Good luck!