Video for “Scene Understanding by Labeling Pixels”
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about algorithms that help computers recognize objects within an image, and undestand the scene itself....
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about algorithms that help computers recognize objects within an image, and undestand the scene itself....
1000-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
The "smart" electric grid has held great promise for 15 years, but it's not always been clear how deeply it's penetrated our infrastructure -- or…...
4-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about a system at that interprets newsfeeds, placing items on a map (among other things)....
4-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about turning photo collections into movie-like "Face Movies", via a system that's been incorporated into Google's Picasa photo program. (Many thanks to guest interviewer…...
1000-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
I was afraid to work on this article about the gender gap in computing because it's a topic surrounded by dogma, strong feelings, and poorly…...
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about the applications of, and solutions to, the "maximum-flow/minimum-cut" problem, which affects surprisingly diverse fields. As before, I did most of this, with the…...
6-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about a program at Caltech that collects seismic data through the cell phones of volunteers throughout the Los Angeles area. I did pretty much…...
6-minute video for Association for Computing Machinery.
A celebration of the life work of Leslie Lamport, recipient of the 2013 ACM A.M. Turing Award. I did production, direction, editing, voiceover, and most…...
2000-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article in the May 2014 issue of CACM about data storage for very long times, e.g. a million years....
4-minute video for Association for Computing Machinery.
A video to accompany this article in CACM. Wrote, produced, and presented....
1900-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article in the January 2014 issue of CACM about "affective computing", which enables your computing device to perceive react to your emotions and moods....
"Crowdfunding for technology gains traction" -- an online-only article covering technology funding venues including Fundable, Gittip, Bountysource, and others, with commentary from various players including…...
900-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
A short online-only article about how supercomputer developers are teaming up with application specialists to make the hardware's power more useful....
1500-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article about vision systems that recognize actions, rather than just objects....
6-minute video for Association for Computing Machinery.
A video to accompany this article of the same name. My first solo video production!...
1800-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article for CACM about competing technologies to repurpose the Internet's host-centric architecture so it's more appropriate for small, often-mobile devices....
1200-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article for CACM online about lifelogging, touching on the related subjects of veillance and "the quantified self"....
600-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
Abstract: "A presidential report asserts the value of U.S. government investments in the cross-agency Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program and specifies areas…...
900-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
An article about legal challenges to the decentralized virtual currency Bitcoin, specifically on how the question of its definition affects its place in law....
200-word article for Association for Computing Machinery.
A very short report on the popularity of exascale computing at the International Supercomputing Conference 2012....