Michele Petry, BankersOnline.com
I have watched your videos on lynda.com as my bible -- you are an excellent trainer....
I have watched your videos on lynda.com as my bible -- you are an excellent trainer....
850-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
Article about using power gathered from radio waves, heat, and motion to power small devices such as sensors and cell phones....
Tom, I sent the video [about my work] around to my colleagues, and they all agree that it was extremely well-done. Very professional, making the…...
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism introducing a paper that outlines how both computers and members of natural communities (such as ants, birds, and cells) cooperate....
750-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Volume 4, Issue 1 of "Drupal Watchdog", the print magazine distributed at the semi-annual DrupalCon. It discusses the importance of an "easy…...
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about how researchers are teaching computers to understand the processes that create human emotion, possibly leading to better decisions and human-computer interfaces....
1000-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
Ph.D.s: Want a month of all-expenses-paid training, with a six-figure job waiting for you when you're done? That's what a new crop of "data-science boot…...
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about algorithms that help computers recognize objects within an image, and undestand the scene itself....
550-word blog post for lynda.com.
A blog post to support my course, "Freelancing Fundamentals"....
1000-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
The "smart" electric grid has held great promise for 15 years, but it's not always been clear how deeply it's penetrated our infrastructure -- or…...
4-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about a system at http://newsstand.umiacs.umd.edu/ that interprets newsfeeds, placing items on a map (among other things)....
A quick note of thanks for your videos, especially for the point about putting aside time for doing stuff not related to work. Great reminder.…...
I sense your sincerity and desire to actually give of your knowledge. Your desire to help others is a very worthy character trait (a gift…...
4-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about turning photo collections into movie-like "Face Movies", via a system that's been incorporated into Google's Picasa photo program. (Many thanks to guest interviewer…...
1000-word article/online for Association for Computing Machinery.
I was afraid to work on this article about the gender gap in computing because it's a topic surrounded by dogma, strong feelings, and poorly…...
600-word blog post for lynda.com.
A blog post to support my course, "Up and Running with Bitcoin"....
63-minute online/presentation/video for Authored Content.
I talk off the cuff about the popular cryptocurrency with fellow lynda.com authors Morten Rand-Hendriksen and Ray Villalobos on their Google Hangout show, "Authored Content"....
5-minute presentation/video for Association for Computing Machinery.
Videojournalism about the applications of, and solutions to, the "maximum-flow/minimum-cut" problem, which affects surprisingly diverse fields. As before, I did most of this, with the…...
600-word article for Tag 1 Publishing.
A column for Volume 3, Issue 2 of "Drupal Watchdog", the print magazine distributed at the semi-annual DrupalCon. This one describes how to get Drupal…...
60-minute online/presentation/video for lynda.com.
(Replaced by my "Learning Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies" in 2017.) Description by lynda.com: "Understand the basics of bitcoin, the popular virtual currency, and then learn…...