Ah, Christmas! A time to gather ’round the Christmas bear and thank God above for the bounty of bees.
I’ve been involved in botnik.org, a collective of writers and artists who use predictive keyboards to create parody works inspired by artificial intelligence.
A recent “jam” was based on Christmas song lyrics. (Past “jams” have been based on text sources such as Harry Potter books, scripts from the TV show “Scrubs”, and Hallowe’en safety tips.)
But back to these Christmas lyrics, which deserved accompanying music. So here is “A Very Botnik Christmas”, available on archive.org:
- Sheet music (PDF | Sibelius 7)
- Audio with computer vocals, courtesy of sinsy.jp (.aiff)
- Simple karaoke (no vocals) version (.aiff | Sibelius 7)
- All of the above, on archive.org
You’re free to record and remix this music. Please do! Nothing would make me happier. It’s released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license: You must credit “Botnik Collective” in works based on it. (And please let me know about it on Twitter, where I’m @tgeller.)
And may your holidays be bright, even if you must find another place to scream.